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Feel free to have a read of what my colleagues, current and former students and parents' testimonials about my piano teaching and accompaniment. 

Abia is a passionate and very disciplined pianist and piano teacher. I appreciate her preparation for every single lesson very much. Always tailor make plans for students who have different needs, both for techniques and musicianship. Her piano accompaniment always help singers to deliver their best to the songs. All my students and their parents love her so much.


Renee Chan

Singer & Vocal Coach

I recognised Abia as a gifted piano teacher with a solid academic and performance training. She is enthusiastic and energetic in teaching children.

During the five years teaching my two daughters (2012-2017), she was extremely patient, encouraged them and coaxed them the very best effort from both of them. Along with the technical aspects of piano, Abia addresses performance techniques as well and these have been particularly helpful to my daughters. She organised annual piano recital which allowed students to learn stage performance and for parents to witness the musical development of their children... I certainly believe I have received excellent service for my money. ​​ 

I trust that parents would be heartened to have Abia as a music teacher for their children. I am tremendously grateful to Abia for everything she has taught my daughters and the joy their music has brought to our family. 

Dr. Anastasia Adelina Lijadi 

Vienna, Austria

Our two sons have been taking lessons with Abia since 2012. They first started lessons with Abia - 8 and 5 respectively. She played engaging musical games with them, offered a sticker reward system, and probably most importantly for us, let the kids’ interest steer the direction. Rather than doing every single piece in a book whether or not they liked it, they got to choose music they were drawn to - contemporary songs, popular movie themes, classical pieces, etc. They progressed very nicely in this vein, playing songs that they enjoyed, so much so that they would play them on holiday if a piano were available. When they expressed interest in sitting for an official exam, Abia trained them accordingly.

Due to the pandemic, the kids’ lessons have taken an online format. Progress has not abated at all. They continue to practice and learn new songs as before, and interest remains high.All in all, Abia is a highly competent piano teacher, able to adapt skilfully according to the needs of her students.

Azita Crerar

Canada (Currently in Macau via Hong Kong)

Abia is a wonderful piano teacher - patient, kind and passionate about music. She made learning piano fun and interesting for my 8-year old son Kieran who started learning piano with her more than 3 years ago. He has enjoyed taking lessons with her from the very beginning, connecting with her warmth and her consistently positive approach. It was even more grateful for Kieran having an opportunity to perform on stage at one of Abia’s concerts.


With Abia’s loving and caring style of teaching, my 6-year old daughter Emma was inspired and started learning piano with her as well. Emma has never played a musical instrument before and the progress made over the past year far exceeded our expectations.


I highly recommend Abia as a music teacher for anyone who wishes to learn and discover with her the same joy for playing the piano that my children have!"


Chris & Anna Yip

Hong Kong

Abia did a fantastic job teaching piano to my two boys for several years, while we were in Macau. She uses just the right amount of positive encouragement and support, with challenge and accountability. She taught them songs they were interested in, so that they had fun while learning how to play. I highly recommend Abia as a piano teacher.

Natasha Miller Naderi

Canada (Currently in Beijing)

Abia Ng is Brian's piano teacher for almost five years - since Brian was 5 years old. She helped him to achieve the ABRSM Grade 5 Music Theory exam with Merit and ABRSM Grade 6 Piano exam. 

Abia is a very patient teacher and nurtures Brian to love music. She is able to cheer up and inspire Brian to be a good musician. Abia knows well about Brian's interest and strength. She always chooses different types of music pieces which would interest Brian. Abia is an excellent communicator. She explains clearly with details in the lesson. She prepares structured comments after the lessons and Brian can practise independently after the lesson by following the comments. Abia also communicates well with the parents about Brian's progress and lesson arrangement. 

Abia is also an excellent accompanist. She helped my elder son Casey for his Cello exams and performance, including IGCSE music exam. My son achieved A*. Big thanks to Abia! 

Linda Tsoi 

Hong Kong


吳凱晴 Carmen Ng

Macau via Hong Kong

我叫Helli, 作為學生及朋友, 我和Abia 相識快8年了。沒錯, 我是她的成人學生, 還是那種腦根不靈活、手指頭很硬、甚至是零基礎的那種中年大媽。我也不清楚, 當年她哪裡來的勇氣, 竟敢收我為她的學生; 我看這些年來, 她一邊教我彈琴, 一邊沒少吐一口血。Abia她不僅自己的琴技非常好, 還非常有耐性, 每次課堂都變著花樣去教我, 希望我能吸收得更好, 不嫌我慢、不嫌我跟不上進度、不嫌我記不住琴譜.....甚至我膽粗粗的說我想去考級的時候, 她還鼓勵我, 一次又一次的幫我反反覆覆練習。雖然說, 直到現在我在鋼琴領域的造詣不至於驚為天人, 但最少我能說我真心喜歡鋼琴, 而且還是因為她這個人,我才能一步一步的愛上鋼琴。

Helli Ng

Macau via Hong Kong


Kitty Tam媽媽

Macau via Hong Kong

Abia老師是一位很有教學熱誠和耐心的鋼琴導師。兒子Alvin和女兒Alexis分別跟隨了老師一年和半年的時間,他們每週都很期待學琴的日子,盼望著學新的音符,新的歌曲,老師的細心教導一步一步令他們培養了對音樂的興趣。老師每次都準備充足替小朋友上課,亦會因應小朋友的進度調整步伐,不會操之過急,令小朋友有紮實的基礎。本人極力推薦Miss Abia,成為你或子女的鋼琴老師!

Edith Chim

Hong Kong




Linda Ieong

Macau via Hong Kong


Cecilia Chan

Macau via Hong Kong

我的孩子從小就對上興趣班不感興趣,真的令我頭痛,這是我孩子的個性,直到一次透過朋友的推介下,Miss Abia就成為了孩子的鋼琴老師,初初我也擔心孩子可以跟這位老師學多久時間鋼琴呢!,怎料,孩子一學,至今,就學了兩年,我思考,為什麼這位Abia老師有何吸引力,可以讓孩子完全不抗拒學琴。


Macau via Hong Kong

Abia 老師是一位非常優秀的老師,她非常有心去教導學生,她會因應不同的學生性格,制定不同的教學,靈活多變!孩子們都非常喜歡上她的鋼琴課!她是一位不可多得的老師!


Macau via Hong Kong


Vina和Rabeea媽媽 Carla

Macau via Hong Kong

感恩女兒剛满二十歲了!她的健康成長,我要感謝所有提供協助的親朋好友!尤其是她的鋼琴導師,Abia Ng!



Macau via Hong Kong

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